Regional integration or regional delusion in Latin America? 5

The Cuban political dissident Orlando Zapata Tamayo died in prison on February 23 after 85 days of hunger strike to protest against severe beatings in jail. Initially sentenced to 3 years imprisonment for contempt, public disorder and „disobedience”, he later was sentenced to 36 years for disobedience in jail. Actually, he was the victim of a very harsh regime of beatings and other privations, a situation very often mentioned in reports of various human rights organizations, Amnesty International being one of them. More…

Learning how to coup with democracy 1

How democracies perish is a very old question and the various answers given by political science are still disputed. How young and unconsolidated/aspirant democracies perish is an easier question, given the fact that some concrete lessons are offered generously these days, and their charm seems irresistible for would-be autocrats. More…

Un pas mare pentru democraţie în America Latină Răspunde

Fără această întorsătură în strategia americană, Hondurasul ar fi constituit un precedent pentru oameni ca Daniel Ortega. În prezent, însă, acest pas înapoi al americanilor ar putea să încurajeze mai multe parlamente şi curţi constituţionale să refuze presiunile dinspre executiv, presiuni care constituie cele mai mari ameninţări la adresa democraţiei în regiune. More…